
A few ideas how to develop the project further, currently a list as a reminder for the main developers themselves, in no particular order, though with a tendency to list more important aspects first:

For pre-release on Zenodo

  • Sensible documentation without too large gaps

  • Demo instance somewhat working (with automatic delete)

For version 0.1.0

Initial release

  • Working installation

  • Sensible documentation without too large gaps

  • Preprint describing LabInform ELN submitted to ChemRxiv

For later versions

  • Docker container

  • XML-RPC interface towards ASpecD


A list of todos, extracted from the code and documentation itself, and only meant as convenience for the main developers. Ideally, this list will be empty at some point.


Currently, the Dockerfile Dockerfile builds upon images only locally available. However, there is now another Dockerfile called Dockerfile-standalone that does only depend on the (latest) alpine image and incorporates all other steps necessary to create a fully functional Docker container for the LabInform ELN.

original entry


Add figure here with two panels comparing (made-up) paper-based labbook entry with (made-up) ELN entry, to compare both, but to make it somewhat accessible?

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Document use cases for QC calculations

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Replace screenshots of templates with actual overview pages with content.

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Add syntheses here as an additional, rather special workflow; mention at least sample containers (cells, tubes) and substrates.

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Replace screenshots of templates with actual overview pages with content.

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Replace screenshots of templates with actual overview pages with content.

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